Rebuilding the Digital Experience

Role :

Webflow Developer

Timeframe :

2 Days - July 2024

Industry :

Personal Project

Food & Drink

Role :

Webflow Developer

Timeframe :

2 Days - July 2024

Industry :

Personal Project

Food & Drink

Introduction :

Matheson Food Company, led by celebrity chef Matty Matheson, needed a landing page that effectively represented their vibrant brand and unique food products.

To showcase my web development skills, I undertook the challenge of rebuilding this landing page. The objective was to replicate the original page’s design and functionality accurately, demonstrating my proficiency with Webflow and modern web development techniques.

Role and Responsibilities :

As the sole designer and developer my key responsibilities included:

  • Web Development: Utilised Webflow to create a responsive replica of the original landing page, ensuring all design elements and functionalities were accurately replicated.

  • Graphic Design: Recreated vector icons using Illustrator.

  • Responsive Design: Ensured the landing page was fully responsive and provided an optimal user experience across all devices.

Design Process:

From Concept to Launch

Discovery and Analysis

  • Analysed the original Matheson Food Company landing page to understand its structure, design elements, and functionalities.

  • Identified key features and visual elements to replicate accurately.

Planning and Strategy

  • Created a detailed project plan outlining the steps required to rebuild the page accurately.

  • Developed wireframes to ensure proper structure and navigation.

Design and Prototyping

  • Rebuilt the landing page layout in Webflow, focusing on creating a responsive and user-friendly interface.

  • Used Illustrator and Photoshop to recreate vector icons and enhance photos, ensuring they matched the original page’s aesthetics.

  • Developed initial prototypes and conducted usability testing to ensure accuracy and functionality.

Development and Integration

  • Utilised Webflow for web development, ensuring all elements were optimised for performance and responsiveness.

Testing and Launch

  • Conducted thorough testing to ensure the rebuilt landing page’s functionality, performance, and compatibility.

  • Launched the replicated landing page, ensuring it matched the original in both design and functionality.

outcome & Results

Rebuilding the Matheson Food Company landing page provided several key outcomes:

  • Enhanced Skill Demonstration: Successfully replicating a complex landing page showcased my proficiency in Webflow and responsive design.

  • Accurate Replication: The project demonstrated attention to detail and the ability to accurately reproduce a website’s design and functionality.

  • Professional Portfolio: Adding this project to my portfolio highlights my capability to handle complex web development tasks and deliver high-quality results.

This case study illustrates the meticulous process of rebuilding the Matheson Food Company landing page and highlights the technical skills and attention to detail required to achieve an accurate and functional replica.







